Mushroom Farming in Kenya: Oyster Mushrooms Vs Button Mushrooms.

A number of people are interested in mushroom farming but among all other information they need to pursue this venture, is the variety of mushroom that is best for them to grow. The choice of the best mushroom to grow depends on factors such as market demand, growth time, yielding capacity, ease of cultivation, local climate, resistance to pests and diseases and the resources.  In Kenya, several mushroom varieties are cultivated with some of the notable varieties being button mushrooms, oyster, portobello, shiitake and porcini mushrooms. However, Oyster and button mushrooms are the most grown varieties in Kenya. The question still stands, “which is the best mushroom variety that I can grow in Kenya?"Let’s find out by looking at oyster and button mushrooms.

Mushroom Farming in Kenya.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster Mushrooms 

As the popularity of mushroom cultivation increases in Kenya, oyster mushrooms stand out in the world of fungi for their unique appearance, taste, and many uses in the culinary world. Oyster mushrooms are a sustainable farming choice as they are grown on various agricultural waste products such as straw, sawdust or woodchips. Their substrates are prepared by pasteurizing or sterilizing it to eliminate competing organisms. When planting oyster mushrooms, you introduce the spawns which are the mushroom seeds into the prepared substrates. Distribute the spawns evenly and mix it thoroughly with the substrate. Place the inoculated substrate in clean and controlled environment with suitable temperature and humidity.

Button mushrooms

Growth of button mushrooms begins by selecting high- quality spawns from highly reliable suppliers. Button mushrooms thrive on substrates that typically include a mixture of composted manure, straw, and other organic materials. The substrate is properly prepared and sterilized to eliminate potential contaminants creating a clean environment for the mushroom growth. When planting, introduce the spawn in to the prepared substrate, initiating the growth of the mycelium. Mycelium acts as the vegetative part of the fungus and slowly spreads through the substrate. Appropriate temperature and humidity are important for mycelial growth and development of the button mushrooms fruiting bodies.

Oyster mushrooms Vs Button mushrooms.

Cultivation differences

Oyster mushrooms

Growing substrate: They thrive on various substrates, including straw, wood chips, and agricultural waste.

Adaptability: They are known for adaptability to diverse climates, making them suitable for cultivation in different regions.

Button Mushrooms

Growing substrate: Typically cultivated on a substrate of composted manure, straw, and other organic materials. Their substrates have to be prepared and cultured a month ahead before introducing the spawns.

Temperature preferences: Button mushrooms prefer temperatures ranging from 12 to 24 degrees Celsius during cultivation.

Resistance to Pests and Diseases

Oyster Mushrooms

 Oyster mushrooms are relatively resistant to pests and diseases, making them a robust choice for cultivation.

Button Mushroom

They can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases, and therefore require careful attention to hygiene and growing conditions.

Ease of Cultivation.

Oyster Mushrooms

 Oyster mushrooms are considered relatively easy to cultivate, making them suitable for beginners in mushroom farming. They are adaptable to various substrates and growing conditions.

Button Mushrooms

 They require specific growing conditions, including composted manure and controlled environments. Although their cultivation is not very complex, their cultivation may involve more detailed management compared to oyster mushrooms.

Yielding capacity

Oyster Mushrooms

They are known for their high yielding capacity. Under optimal conditions, they can produce a substantial harvest relative to the substrate used.

Button Mushrooms

Button mushrooms also have a good yielding capacity. Proper cultivation practices can result in a significant and consistent yield.

Maturity period

Oyster Mushrooms

Oysters generally have a shorter maturity period compared to button mushrooms. They often reach harvestable size within a few weeks after the initiation of the fruiting stage.

Button Mushrooms

They typically have a longer maturity period compared to oyster mushrooms.

Market demand

Oyster mushrooms

They have gained popularity in various culinary circles, and their demand has been steadily increasing. The unique flavours and textures contribute to the market appeal.

Button Mushrooms.

Button mushrooms are widely popular and have a consistent demand in the market. They are a staple in many dishes, contributing to their consistent market presence.

Nutritional content

Oyster Mushrooms

They are a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals like iron and potassium. They are also low in calories and fat.

Button Mushrooms

They provide essential nutrients such as vitamin B and D, minerals like potassium, selenium and antioxidants.

With all this information, am sure you can choose the best mushroom variety to grow depending on your preferences. If interested in more information about mushroom farming, check out our previous articles for a complete guide on mushroom farming, cost, and market analysis. Complete Guide on Mushroom Farming in Kenya.       Cost and Market Analysis For Mushroom Farming.

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