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Unknown said...

Am interested on venturing to kind of farming .. What are the major challenges that a farmer can encounter

Unknown said...

Am interested on venturing to kind of farming .. What are the major challenges that a farmer can encounter

Matonda.M.J said...

Its inspiring and motivating to work with rich farm Kenya.

Unknown said...

I am very interested in this solo sunrise paw paw farming.

Unknown said...

Iam aZambian want IPB9 carina and solo sunrise pawpaw seeds.I want 10 000 seeds.The price and shipping to Zambia?

Unknown said...

I am Calvin from Uganda.
Where can I get pawpaw your pawpaw seeds in Uganda

Anonymous said...

Am interested in dragon fruit farming do you have seedlings

Anonymous said...

Very educative information. Thanks so much. Do you have dragon fruit seedlings and what is the cost of each

Sr Conso K said...

It's an awesome ministry you are carrying on. Keep up. I love farming. Kenya loves farming.
Much blessings on your efforts

Anonymous said...

Good and nobble job. Keep up. Much blessings for the Almight

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How to Formulate your Own Kienyeji Chicken Feeds at Home to Cut Costs.

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