The Cost of Farming 1 Acre of Tomatoes in Kenya - 2025 Update

Tomato farming in Kenya is one of the agribusiness projects that has seen many investors become self-made millionaires. However, you should not be deceived into thinking that it is a get-rich-quick scheme. It involves a significant amount of capital and serious risks. Let me break it down for you.

The Money Math of Tomato farming in Kenya

The cost per acre of tomatoes in Kenya can vary based on factors such as location, choice of input, and labor costs. Below is an approximate cost based on averages.

1.      Land Preparation:

o    Plowing, Harrowing, and Trench Making: Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 20,000, depending on the method and equipment used.

2.      Seedlings:

o    Certified Seedlings: Approximately Ksh 40,000 for 8,000 seedlings.

3.      Soil Testing:

o    Around Ksh 5,000 to assess soil health and nutrient requirements.

4.      Fertilizers:

o    D.A.P. (80 kg): Ksh 6,400.

o    C.A.N. (120 kg): Ksh 9,600.

o    N.P.K. (120 kg): Ksh 9,600.

5.      Manure:

o    8 tonnes of goat or cow manure at Ksh 1,000 per tonne: Total Ksh 8,000.

6.      Agrochemicals (Pesticides and Fungicides):

o    Approximately Ksh 22,000.

7.      Irrigation:

o    Irrigation costs can vary significantly depending on source of water, weather conditions, soil type etc. We are taking an estimated Ksh 70,000 for irrigating an acre from transplanting to harvesting.

8.      Labor:

o    100 man-days at Ksh 300 per day: Total Ksh 30,000.

9.      Land Leasing:

o    Approximately Ksh 20,000 per year, though this can vary by region.

10.  Miscellaneous Expenses:

o    An estimated Ksh 30,000 to cover unforeseen costs.

Total Estimated Cost: Approximately Ksh 270,600 per acre.

We are always glad to help you get clarification on anything. Do not hesistate to reach us on 0724698357 / 0723213602 if you have any questions. 

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