Complete Guide for Mushroom Farming In Kenya For the Year 2025

Many people have lately realized what a potential we have in agribusiness in Kenya and have gone into some of the lucrative ventures in the country such as Kienyeji chicken farming, fruit farming and mushroom farming. The latter has specifically attracted many youth especially those in urban settings. There are obvious reasons as you will see in the discussions in this article.

mushroom farming in Kenya
A Mushroom farm in Kenya

The Mushroom Market in Kenya

Let me give you some facts about mushroom farming in this country that will stir your interest: according to the National Farmers Information Service (NAFIS), our country produces only 500 tons of mushrooms per year yet the demand just within the country is 1200 tons.

Do you know what that means? The consumers of mushrooms in our country have to import at least 700 tons every year. Such a high and undersupplied demand only means one thing: there is huge ready market for mushrooms, making its farming a huge business opportunity as well.

We have actually written on the cost involved in mushroom farming in Kenya and how profitable the venture is in this article: How Profitable is Mushroom Farming in Kenya: Costs and Market Analysis

Mushroom Farming Requires only a small space

Another fact that will excite you about mushroom farming is that you do not need several acres of land to make a good income. In Kenya, some farmers are actually turning their backyards and even garages into   mushroom farms, and confess that they make way more than what they did from their large scale farming of other crops.

But well, it’s not all easy money and overnight success as the foregoing statements might make it sound. To start a solid business in mushroom farming, one needs to invest in a number of things. Let’s take you through these things; we shall be glad to clarify anything that doesn’t come out clearly later. You can always Call Richfarm Kenya or Whatsapp us on 0724698357.

Mushroom Growing House Design and Requirements

So the first investment you need to make is building a mushroom growing house. It’s not really costly: in fact, all you need is a simple mud-house with a grass thatched roof. This can be done the very traditional way of using posts and sticks to build the wall structure then fill it up with mud or you can do it as we did using earthen bricks as shown below.


mushroom farming house in kenya
Mushroom farming house

Once the house is complete, you need to make shelves. We chose to use wood and off-cuts since these are readily available and cheap materials. These shelves are used hold the mushroom growing bags. Now that’s where the science starts- the bags!

You Can Prepare or Buy Ready Mushroom Growing Bags

Mushroom growing bags are simply plastic bags filled with a material called a substrate. The substrate is specially prepared using agricultural remains. Basically, anything grown on land is a potential substrate for mushroom cultivation. One may use rice husks, dry banana leaves or coconut waste. Anything from the legume family, such as bean waste, is great because of the nitrogen content. Most commercial mushroom farmers in Kenya use hay, wheat straw or rice husks. Its preparation process is a bit detailed; I cannot cover it in this article but you can always reach us by email or Whatsapp for help in that.

mushroom substrate bag
Mushroom Growing Bags already filled with substrate

We have also designed a special course for you that will focus on training you on how to make compost. These trainings will teach you how to reduce your costs in mushroom farming, specialize in the best variety of mushrooms, and take your mushroom farming business to a professional level. These trainings will take place once every month at our mushroom farm in Banana starting March 2025. 

Where To Buy Spawns - The Mushroom Seeds

Next are the spawns, or the mushroom seeds. These seeds can only be bought from a professional propagator so as to be sure you get clean, non-contaminated material. On average, 1 kg of spawn will cost ksh 600 and would be enough for approximately 40 standard size bags. These seeds are introduced in the bags filled with the substrate and all a farmer does from there on is simply maintain the recommended moisture levels in the bags and the growing house, and wait to start harvesting: no weeding, no spraying pesticides and fungicides and no working under a scorching sun!

Wholesale Mushroom Prices in Kenya

Due to the crop’s lower cost of production and the high yielding capacity, mushrooms present a good opportunity for small to middle-scale farmers. A kilo of mushroom retails at between Ksh 400 and Ksh 600. This high profit margin means that you will take a shorter time to break even and eventually make profits.

There are a total of fifteen different cultivated mushrooms varieties in the world. A farmer may need to know the various types in order to make the right decision when investing in this sector. The most common ones in Kenya are button and Oyster mushrooms. There are exotic mushrooms that can be grown, often for medicinal use, but they require more skills to grow and knowledge of the markets to find buyers.

The best mushroom variety to grow in Kenya

Button mushrooms are quite popular and readily available. The downside is that they are prone to diseases and infections. Oyster mushrooms on the other hand, are hardier and more resistant to infections. Besides, substrates for button mushrooms are prepared and cultured a month ahead. For oyster mushrooms, you can pasteurize your substrate today and introduce the spawns the following day.

The mushrooms are best when freshly picked, so most are sold to local consumers. After they are harvested, they are delivered to local chefs, food co-ops, grocery stores and directly to consumers at the local market.


One of the things that can eat into your profits is firewood for pasteurization, which is costly. If one fails to pasteurize properly, the fungi develops mould and that’s a loss. The good thing is that you can buy ready bags of professionally prepared substrate, already spawned (the mushroom seeds already sowed) from Richfarm Kenya.

Harvesting and Marketing

Once ready, mushrooms are harvested consistently twice or thrice a week. Mushrooms have a high demand in Kenya but of course, you have to seek this market. That simply involves informing potential buyers, mostly hotels and supermarkets, of your products. You will get very nice orders especially if you can prove to them that you will be a consistent supplier.

We hope you make it big in mushroom farming in Kenya. However, there are a few other interesting farming ventures that can suit you, having only a small scale. These include:


Unknown said...

This was helpful

Richfarm Kenya said...

Thank you very much. We hope to be of even greater help.

Unknown said...

Great content. Thanks Richfarm.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Richfarm. I am informed and motivated.

Anonymous said...

And how much is your substrate?

Anonymous said...

Great info.

Anonymous said...

Educative, congratulations

Anonymous said...

Thanks richfarm for the information I m interested

Anonymous said...

Where are located in Kenya? Am interested

Anonymous said...

Very detailed,thanks

Anonymous said...

Very educative. I would like to know more about substrate preparation and where to get the bags. Tomas from Gee area

Anonymous said...

Great content. Do you have a social media page or we just reach out through WhatsApp. I would really love to learn about substrate preparation

Anonymous said...

Fabulous stuff

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight. i already have a structure earlier used for storing bee hives, its a stone structure. can this be used?

Anonymous said...

Thank you rich farm, am interested in this project where can l get you for more personal details, as concerns marketing mushroom .

Sylusuz Financial and Relationship Coach. said...

How much do i need to start this journey

Anonymous said...

Very informative. I plan to start mushrooms farming. Will get in touch soon

Anonymous said...

Very helpful wish to get more details on already prepared bags and markets

Anonymous said...

This is very educative..thank you rich farm for your continued offer of good information..
I would like to Know the cost in price to begin and if possible a link where i can visit and observe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info it was very helpful

Anonymous said...

Very educative. Will get in touch cos I am interested

Anonymous said...

Thanks I will communicate

Anonymous said...

Great!! Am much is the ready bag?

Anonymous said...

Would like to know the buyers if any also on plastic bags Price

Anonymous said...

Veyi infomative. Sounds a gud venture. Can Richfarm connect farmer to potential buyers also is it possible to quantity the cost of growing the mushrooms in an existing wooden room measuring 5metres by 6mettes?

Anonymous said...

Very much impressive.will come back to you after going through marketing locally and internationally.

Anonymous said...

Great. Thanks for the information. Very informative

Anonymous said...

am just a youth with my 1/8 acre plot in rift valley...full time supply of water and every essential requirement available as uu stated...need the do how to start this big venture....

Unknown said...

Very informative, i`m interested in the project. How and where can i get the training?.

Anonymous said...

I may like to join you in farming the mushroom

Anonymous said...

Anonymous; it's a big deal if put into consideration

Anonymous said...

Really helpful, Just wish to ask l;how much in aggregate do I need to have to start this journey?

Anonymous said...

Hi. Am interested in growing mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

Can I grow mushrooms in machakos?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for nice information

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to start this farming.Link me up pleasw

Anonymous said...

Interested, any training overed ?

Anonymous said...

Interested,call me on 0720889044

Anonymous said...

Very educating,I have a chicken house which is idle,can I use it for mashroom farming?

Anonymous said...

Am running a grow room for button mushroom in Nakuru,contact is 0722950619 for more .

Anonymous said...

Can help,can direct you to or farm in Nakuru county.for whatapp cobtact 0722950619

Anonymous said...

can I come to learn

Anonymous said...

how much for already prepared substrate

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this information am starting soon

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